Getting Started

Vue 2

Inside your entry js file

import Vue from "vue"
import App from "./App.vue"
import XnsAudioPlayerSimple from "xns-audio-player-simple"



Vue 3

Import & initiate plugin and its styles on your entry js file

import { createApp } from "vue";
import App from "./App.vue";
import XnsAudioPlayerSimple from "xns-audio-player-simple";
import "xns-audio-player-simple/styles.css"

const app = createApp(App);

Using the plugin in a Vue SFC component

Import plugin and its styles inside a Vue Single File Component

import { XnsAudioPlayerSimple } from "xns-audio-player-simple";
import "xns-audio-player-simple/styles.css";

export default {
  components: { XnsAudioPlayerSimple },
    return {
      playlist: [...]

Using the plugin in Vue SFC component with the script-setup sugar

Import plugin and its styles inside a Vue Single File Component with the script-setup sugar

<script setup>
import XnsAudioPlayerSimple from 'xns-audio-player-simple';
import "xns-audio-player-simple/styles.css";
import { ref } from "vue";  
const playlist = ref([...]);

Display Player on the Template

Inside your templates both in Vue 2 and 3

  <xns-audio-player-simple :playlist="playlist"></xns-audio-player-simple>
Contributors: James Sinkala